Thursday, December 28, 2017

Inspecting refrigerated buildings for proper freezer warehouse floor installations.

                                                         Typical freezer warehouse floor

When understanding if a freezer or cooler warehouse building is capable of  freezer or cooler storage temperatures this has to  be considered. The floor under the refrigerated portion of the cold storage building has to be inspected to make sure it is capable of accommodating freezer storage temperatures. Freezer storage temperatures range between a +10°F down to -10°F.
The warehouse floor over the refrigerated portion of the building will either contain an in-floor heating/defrosting system or it will not . If the building was designed exclusively for freezer warehouse storage, it will have a heating system underneath the warehouse floor.  These heating/defrosting systems are of various types, but it is designed to not let the moisture in the ground below the industrial warehouse floor to freeze.  Whatever water freezes, it expands and that expansion of water below the floor will cause the floor to heave upwards and possibly even result in a structurally unstable warehouse building. 
Jim Cronin is a refrigerated building real estate broker with Hawk Distribution Services LLC from St. Louis, Missouri. Jim  Cronin  either sold or leased  114  freezer or cooler buildings  in his career as a real estate  broker.
Contact Jim Cronin at 314-994-0577 or e-mail